Membership Benefits

Why Join? – Professionals and Business Partner

CCI provides growth opportunities for the professionals and business partners who service the condominium market…and we look forward to welcoming you as a CCI member!

Cost effective CCI Membership offers numerous opportunities:

CCI-GHC also provides growth opportunities for the professionals and trades who service the condominium market. The most cost-effective way to increase business and tap into the growing condominium market is through CCI membership!

Professional Member - Annual Fees

A Professional Member is an individual who participates professionally in a field or endeavour related to condominiums. Professional membership applies only to the person in whose name it is held.

Full-Year Fee: $350.00 + $45.50 HST = $395.50
Associate*: $200.00 + 26.00 HST = $226.00
(*Secondary individuals from same firm at same mailing address)

Business Partner Member - Annual Fees

Business Partner memberships shall be limited to any corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship (other than one would qualify for Condominium or Professional Membership), government agency, investment firm, lending institution, insurance company, advertising company, development or construction firm or other business entity that is involved in the condominium industry. Business Partner membership is held by the company and for event discounts, all employees are eligible.

Full-Year Fee: $350.00 + $45.50 HST = $395.50
Secondary*: $200.00 + 26.00 HST = $226.00
*Secondary Location (Same business with multiple locations)

Why Join? – Individuals and Condo Corporations

All condo Directors, owners and Property Managers can benefit from their membership through CCI Golden Horseshoe Chapter.

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Condominium Corporation Membership: Full-Year Fees

There are four categories for Condominium Corporation Membership that include unit owners & directors:
1-19 Units, 20-49 units, 50-149 units and 150+ units.

  • 1-19 units $100.00 + $13.00 HST = $113.00
  • 20-49 units $135.00 + $17.55 HST = $152.55
  • 50-149 units $195.00 + $25.35 HST = $220.35
  • 150+ units  $270.00 + $35.10 HST = $305.10

Condominium Corporation – Complimentary Access:

This category is for Condominiums that have never held membership in Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute. This entitles your condominium to the member rate for all events for one year. There are no voting rights under this category.

  • 1-19 units $0.00 (complimentary access)
  • 20-49 units $0.00 (complimentary access)
  • 50-149 units $0.00 (complimentary access)
  • 150+ units $0.00 (complimentary access)

Individual Member - Full-Year Fees

Individual memberships shall be limited to any owner or occupant of a condominium, strata or equivalent corporation and any other person other than a person who would qualify as professional member interested in furthering the goals of the CCI.

Annual Fee: $100.00 + $13.00 HST = $113.00

Membership Year

  • The Membership Year runs from July 1 – June 30
  • New Members who join from July 1 to December 31 pay the full membership amount
  • New Members who join from January 1 to March 31 pay a 1⁄2 year membership fee 
  • New Members who join from April 1 to June 30 pay the full membership fee but get the following year full membership

Join Today

© 2024 Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute
Box 37, Burlington, ON Canada L7R 3X8
Tel. 905-631-0124 or 1-844-631-0124 Email