JJ Foulds, BA, OLCM, RCM

Upon completing her business degree, JJ worked in the agricultural and insurance industries before joining the Condo Industry in 2017. JJ quickly adapted to the condominium industry and has excelled at managing high-rise, townhouse and vacant land sites in addition to commercial condominium properties. She also has a great deal of experience dealing with Tarion first year projects. JJ obtained her RCM designation in 2020 and assists in training, recruiting, and mentoring new condominium professionals.
In 2022, JJ also joined the Board of Directors of her own Condominium Corporation, a 35-unit older townhouse complex in South Burlington. We are currently taking on a number of major projects and reviewing our Reserve Fund for future expenditures. I am looking forward to getting even more involved in the Condo Industry and bringing my experience as a Board member to CCI.